Father’s Day 16 June 2024

Gardening is my sanctuary. It is a harbor in the storm. It is work and it is time consuming but the rewards are great. If a plant displeases me, I have learned to discard it. If I like a plant, I can nurture it.

It is the verge of summer and it is Father’s Day. It is US Open weekend. It is a weekend that carries great meaning. It cannot be ignored and it must be honored and respected.

I have 6 photos to share. Tomorrow, I will post this blog while I join the Six on Saturday group. Gardeners from around the world will be posting their 6 photos from this week.

This cultivar of Hypericum has a delicate beautiful bloom. I like the leaf color. This is the first bloom since transplant last year.

The rose is in its second blooming cycle of the year. The knockouts do well here and there is no problem with blackspot.

The Miss Huff is a large and almost shrub size lantana. It loves the heat of summer.

This Rudbeckia is the lone survivor of 6 that I planted last spring but it is in such good for this year.

The Stoke’s Aster loves the part shade area in which it is located. It is reseeding or colonizing so it has spread since its introduction a few years ago.

The limelight hydrangea is a paniculata which does well in sunnier locations. It is white and it is becoming increasingly popular in this area.

Hope you are getting plenty of garden time. Happy Father’s Day to fathers and to those who have played the role of father’s.

Happy Gardening!

Author: topdock

Traveller Gardener

11 thoughts on “Father’s Day 16 June 2024”

  1. Nice tribute to dads everywhere.

    Believe it or not, Knock Out roses are not sold in Finland. They would seem a good fit for multiple locations throughout parts of the country. Sorry to hear about the Rudbeckia dying out. They are tough as old boots, wonder what happened…

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the way you are thinking. Playing the role of father is also important.

    Blackspot on my roses is a problem in my damp climate. I was looking through roses on the sale table at the garden centre this week. One attracted me with the disease resistant label, then I saw that the leaves had blackspot, so I didn’t buy it. I do grow salvia around the roses to try to reduce the blackspot.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A friend from North Carolina sent me some seeds of Stoke asters but I never managed to get them to germinate. The flowers are really very bright and really pretty. Love the hydrangea paniculata too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Looks like summer has arrived with your lovely aster and the lantana flowering. The hydrangea is lovely too. The hydrangeas are in bud here but not quite open yet. Have a great Father’s Day weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Enjoy your weekend TD. Father’s Day wasn’t recognised in the UK until 1972 so my poor dad missed out when I was a child. Still a man can never have enough socks. A nice six this week. I cannot grow the perennial rudbeckias, which is a shame because they are so lovely. Same with heleniums. They just hate my wet winters.


  6. We’re up to four varieties of Hydrangea paniculata though ‘Limelight’ isn’t one of them, as good as I know it to be. It’ll be quite some time before they’re in flower though, yours seems very early.


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