Summer Solstice 21 June 2024

Stokes Aster June 2023

It happened yesterday. The summer solstice occurred yesterday afternoon about 4PM here in the Central Time Zone. Summer is here. Now the daylight hours will gradually ratchet back. It is hot here and it will remain so for the next 10 weeks.

I have been busy harvesting blueberries and tomatoes. I planted some beans from seed but they have yet to appear above the ground. My perennials are doing so well that they have crowded out the weeds which is a good thing. The blooming plants have really been impressive this year.

Tomorrow, as has become customary, I will be joining the Six on Saturday group and sharing my blog with 6 or so photos. Others from around the world will do the same. Come and see. Better still, come join us and share six of your own. Our host is Jim Stephens and here is the link to find the Six on Saturday site.

I started a lily garden 2 years ago and have grouped several species of the together. Here are two of my favorites at the moment. I started the Iris from seed given to me. The oriental lily was purchased on line. This patch can be seen out the dining room window.

The Peacock orchid is new to me. It is several weeks later than my other glads and not as tall. They are staying upright so far without need for staking. Yeah!

The phlox is in its third year and performing admirably.

The Tithonia is a pollinator magnet which really pleases me. It is a showy bloomer, sturdy upright and about 4 feet tall.

The next two photos are not from my garden but from a walk in the Birmingham Botanical Gardens yesterday.

The anemone is a native and striking alone or in the grouping in which I found it.

The skipper really stands out against the green leaf upon which it is resting. The skipper has love grass as a host plant of which there is plenty nearby.

I hope your weather allows you to enjoy the outdoors. I hope your garden is thriving and that your plans are working out.

Happy Gardening!

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