Its Finally Spring 21 April 2023

Here in the American South, the season is advancing nicely. The tree canopy is filling in now. Because of the mature oaks and hickories that populate the landscape, the areas of shade are becoming much larger. The daffodils, tulips and Lenten roses have now mostly finished their spring fling.

The blooming shrubs did their best this spring despite the flash freeze in December. The azaleas, viburnums and camellias are now also finished their blooming.

My spring garden still is producing onions and radishes. My potato patch is well along and here’s hoping for some flavorful meals from them in another 6 weeks.

Here are my photos for this week.

#1 Top left is a bloom on my Meyer lemon. I take it in for the winter. It is now on the deck for the season and has begun blooming. It has done very well in a container. It is a small tree only 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide.

#2 Top middle is a Walking Iris (Trimezia gracilis). It is in the iris family. It seems a bit exotic so I keep two of these in containers and protect them in cold weather. The blooms are short lived but spectacular.

#3 Top right is an agastache. I don’t know the cultivar. It is making a wonderful filler in a container with some dwarf Helianthus.

#4 Lower left is a dianthus which is still blooming prolifically for several weeks.

#5 Bearded iris have begun to bloom. I have several large patches. Most are deep blue in color. I really like the sword like foliage which adds interest all summer. It makes a wonderful border plant.

#6 Hardy begonia has begun to appear in a shaded area where I had a terra cotta container with one several years ago. They were all volunteers so I dug several up and repotted them to domesticate them.

I have planted 2 summer cut flower gardens so I hope to be able to show them to you as the season progresses.

Don’t forget to look at #sixonsaturday group tomorrow which is hosted by Jim Stephens. You can find it at this link Gardeners from around the world leave their contributions for the week on his blog. It is very interesting stuff.

Happy gardening!

Author: topdock

Traveller Gardener

5 thoughts on “Its Finally Spring 21 April 2023”

  1. It is so neat to see how gardens in different weather zones bloom through the year! I’m in Ireland and while it is mild most of the year, without the burst of heat in the spring, it feels like my flowers take forever to bloom! Your bearded iris and the dianthus are so, so lovely! I look forward to seeing the deep blue ones, too! 🙂


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